Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Grand 10 - Fort Bliss

The Grand 10 - Fort Bliss

1619 Pleasonton Road, Fort Bliss, TX, United States - (888) 943-4567
‎2hr 41min‎‎ - Rated PG-13‎‎ - Action/Adventure/Scifi/Fantasy‎ - Trailer - IMDb
11:00am‎  ‎1:00‎  ‎3:30‎  ‎6:05‎  ‎8:00‎  ‎9:45pm‎
‎2hr 26min‎‎ - Rated PG-13‎‎ - Action/Adventure/Scifi/Fantasy/Suspense/Thriller‎ - Trailer - IMDb
12:00‎  ‎3:15‎  ‎6:35‎  ‎9:50pm‎
‎1hr 48min‎‎ - Rated PG‎‎ - Animation/Action/Adventure/Family‎ - Trailer - IMDb
2:05‎  ‎4:45‎  ‎7:15‎  ‎9:55pm‎
‎1hr 45min‎‎ - Rated PG-13‎‎ - Comedy‎ - Trailer - IMDb
11:45am‎  ‎12:30‎  ‎2:10‎  ‎2:55‎  ‎4:35‎  ‎5:20‎  ‎7:00‎  ‎7:45‎  ‎9:25‎  ‎10:10pm‎
‎2hr 41min‎‎ - Rated PG-13‎‎ - Action/Adventure/Scifi/Fantasy‎ - Trailer - IMDb
2:00‎  ‎6:30‎  ‎10:15pm‎
‎1hr 56min‎‎ - Rated R‎‎ - Drama/Suspense/Thriller‎ - Trailer - IMDb
11:10am‎  ‎1:55‎  ‎4:50‎  ‎7:30‎  ‎10:20pm‎
‎2hr 0min‎‎ - Rated PG-13‎‎ - Action/Adventure/Scifi/Fantasy‎ - Trailer - IMDb
11:15am‎  ‎2:00‎  ‎4:40‎  ‎7:35‎  ‎10:05pm‎
‎1hr 50min‎‎ - Rated R‎‎ - Action/Adventure/Suspense/Thriller‎ - Trailer - IMDb
12:25‎  ‎2:50‎  ‎5:15‎  ‎7:40‎  ‎10:00pm‎
‎1hr 48min‎‎ - Rated PG‎‎ - Animation/Action/Adventure/Family‎ - Trailer - IMDb
‎1hr 37min‎‎ - Rated PG‎‎ - Animation‎ - Trailer - IMDb

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